About Me

About Me:

I have had hair challenges my whole life. After doing my due diligence to rule out any medical reasons, I jumped into researching and finding non-surgical hair replacement options in 2016.

Once I came to acceptance that my hair was never going to grow as I wanted it to on its own, it became much easier to explore the world of wigs and wig wearing. It has changed my life in so many ways for the positive. I no longer suffer with the issues that came with my hair loss like shame and embarrassment, identity crisis, loss of my femininity, anxiety, sadness, confidence level, etc.

I want to be able to help other women (people) to be able to come to acceptance and find options that work for them.

I started helping several years ago by with being a moderator, then an admin, on an FB page dedicated to a specific wig brand, but felt that wasn't enough, so I opened a second group to help with outreach and budget wig options across all brands. I have slowly changed to include selling budget options and now, this web page seems the next likely step in helping as many people as I can.

Please feel free to join me/us in my group bringing awareness, education and support for those with a need. Applying to join and answer the questions at Beth's Wig Boutique (and outreach) on Facebook. 

Also want you all to know that a portion of all sales proceeds will benefit the outreach and outreach efforts.

Thanks for reading my story! I hope you can find an option here or in group that works for you!

All my best,

Beth Pidgeon

My see through bio hair, receding hair line and zero confidence... hiking 2018. It went downhill even faster after this. This is one of the last pictures taken without something covering my head.

 Experimenting with different styles and colors and gaining my confidence back 2021

2023: Feeling more like me and free, thanks to wigs and toppers!!